Thursday, December 21, 2006


My Band and I recently just came up with our new band name, Bullet Dodger, so i'm trying to come up with some moods or feelings as to what our album artwork should look like. This definately in not it, but I thought it looked cool. Maybe I can sell the design to Hot Topic or something.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Spanglers Round 2

Heres my line up of some characters for a pitch called The Spanglers. Theres more to fix but its a start. Hope they look cool.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Melissa Badoo

This is a drawing I did at work yesterday. I have to rework some things but I'll get em done and finish this one up with color soon enough. This is a gift for someone special, I just hope she will like it.

What's Up Bro?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

This is the artwork i've done for the new CD my band put out. The top piece is the side artwork, the second peice is the actual CD, to the left is the cover of the CD case, and to the right is the back with the track lists.

Friday, September 29, 2006

This a flyer I did for a Halloween Show my band will be playing on the 28th of October. Please steal this artwork!!! Download it, print it out, make flyers and post em everywhere. Were hoping for a good turn out this year. Peace All.

Friday, September 15, 2006

50's Surfer

This was just a sketch I did earlier in the week. The first drawing was very weak but Danny help me push the pose and right now i'm really happy with it. It was a lot of fun to draw. On a rainy cold week such as this it's kinda of easy to see where I wish I was.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Some Things I Forgot About

"Now take your time...give it some thought...then tell me, which one of these men assulted you." "I don't know, in their own way they all look kinda guilty of something."

September Sketchs

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Here's a before and after from last weeks post-it sketch. Danny's got us all doing one post-it sketch a day so this was mine from thursday. I tried posting it the other day but it didn't work. So, in any case here it is, Danny posted his version of this guy on his blog, so check it out. Laters.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Catch It If You Can

Sometimes when i'm at work, feeling the stress from my Creative Director, it always helps to just doodle so that I can escape his rath... even if it's for the shortest of time. This is me running away from my responcibilities in search of a life more exciting. Its out there...I just gotta catch it.

Monday, August 21, 2006

My Sister

This week, my little (but not so little anymore) sister is going to be moving on and going off to college. She wanted something of mine to bring with her, and suggested something dealing with her horse. She's been riding since forever and it would be very fitting to do a painting of her horse Skooter. So heres what I came up with, I hope she likes it.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Reach For It Mister

yea...I really don't know whats going on here. But you know...sometimes it's cool really just not to give a shit.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Some Designs

These are some designs i've been working on. I'm proud of em, I think there kinda cool. I say designs cause in no way while I was creating them, was I thinking anything about character. They're just straight up line work I guess. Still, I like em...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My good friend Aileen is currently interning for this really cool website designed for women. It's just a cool place for women to gather and share stories and advice on womanly things. There is also on this website a submission thingy for comic strips and she suggested that I submit. So, today I decided to work on this...although there is no joke attached feel free to have your own submission right here on my blog. Send me a funny joke or tag line to go along with the picture, and maybe we can get this thing posted on her website. Have Fun, laters.


Me and danny are having a little bit of a Superman craze right now...I posted mine, and you should go check out his when he posts. Were trying to come up with just a cool ass design so here's mine. To check out his go to all.

Monday, July 31, 2006

My Fish

Here are some fish that i've been working on, for the longest time I was on this weird fish kick and i couldnt stop obsessing over fish. It wasn't a sexual Troy McClore kinda problem just couldn't stop drawing fish, these are the coolest by far.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Mountains

I'm really just trying to think outside the box a little (although very south park-ish) I want to try to create a look that serves a purpose. This is basically an attempt at that. I don't know anything about Layout, but I love giving it a shot...and it's fun as all hell. My surroundings and peers provide endless amounts of inspiration so it's always cool to see progress and the growth of the process. I mean, I don't know the first thing about color, but I intend on more exercises like this to try and create a mood or feeling. This one...although off the bat "cold" kinda reminds me of that like warm cold...I don't know...I love this stuff.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Max Spencer

This was something I designed at work... I want to eventually create some friends for him and possibly make a quick little story for him. He's fully built in Flash so he's a ready to go little puppet. His name came from my friend at work Emily. When she saw him it reminded her of her brother. So sorry Emily's brother, but I stole your name.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006

These are some pages from my portfolio. Unfortunately these are from about a year ago so it obviously has been updated a few times since then, but in any case here is some of my work so you can see what kind of person I am...and if you can't figure it out from the work let me tell you. I like to draw. I have a long ways to go with it, I hope to never figure it out until I die. It's a process, and I plan on never getting caught up in the long term goals, but rather just enjoy the ride and growth of it. Art is amazing.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006